Congregation Agudat Achim


Congregation Agudat Achim is a
Conservative, Egalitarian, Inclusive and Welcoming Community

We are a kehillah of compassionate people who respect individuality and differences, providing a supportive and positive environment. Membership in Congregation Agudat Achim’s community offers opportunities for individuals and families to engage in the rich religious, historical, and cultural traditions of Conservative Judaism. We come together to learn and grow, educate our children, deepen our spirituality, rejoice, care for one another, celebrate moments big and small, connect with Israel, and help repair the world. Ongoing programs include spiritual services, a unique prize-winning Religious School and programs for tots to teens, the Scholar-in-Residence lecture series with Dr. Stephen Berk (Harry and Sally Professor of Holocaust and Jewish Studies at Union College), an annual fall Carrot Festival that engages more than 100 volunteers and 1,200 visitors, Social Action/Tikkun Olam and Tzedakah initiatives. Plus, a variety of new innovative projects are always being created including social opportunities and a rich array of adult learning experiences led by Rabbi Spitzer, members, and visiting educators. Rabbi Spitzer, the staff, Board of Trustees, and committee members are always responsive to the interests and needs of members.

Join Our Family!

If you or someone you know is interested in enhancing the Jewish experience and connecting with others in an active and inquisitive environment, now is a great time to visit Congregation Agudat Achim. Come in for a tour, meet our Rabbi and staff, attend Shabbat services, or just say hello. We would love to learn more about your interests, answer your questions, and give you a warm welcome to our synagogue family.

Your first-year membership includes:
Men’s Club Dues
Women’s Network Dues
A Holiday Dinner
Religious School Tuition
Tickets to the Annual Dr. Berk Lecture Series

For more details, contact our Membership Chair, Kaitlin Spektor at 518-393-9211 or

Thank you again for your interest in membership with Congregation Agudat Achim!