Meet the Author event with Joel Burcat.
In STRANGE FIRE, the frackers have invaded Pennsylvania and round-the-clock operations conducted by Yukon Oil and Gas at their snake-ridden Campbell pad may have poisoned a residential well and threaten a town’s water supply. Who is contaminating water wells in Bradford County, Pa.? Why are contractors disappearing? Mike Jacobs, a 29-year old environmental lawyer with Pennsylvania’s Dept. of Environmental Protection, is back in this romantically-charged environmental legal thriller about fracking and drilling for natural gas.
Joel Burcat is an award-winning author and environmental lawyer. DRINK TO EVERY BEAST was his debut novel. It is an environmental legal thriller about illegal dumping of toxic waste in the Susquehanna River. His second novel, AMID RAGE, is about a coal mine permit battle in Somerset, Pa. That novel has won a number of awards, including as a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. His most recent novel, STRANGE FIRE is about a fracking dispute in Bradford County, Pa. That book was a winner in the PennWriters’ Annual Writing Contest, a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Week, and has won a gold medal from Readers’ Favorite for environmental fiction.
As an environmental lawyer, Burcat has worked in government and private practice. He was selected as the 2019 Lawyer of the Year in Environmental Litigation (for Central Pa.) by Best Lawyers in America. He has won the Pa. Bar Association’s annual award for environmental law. In addition to his law practice, he has written many law review and legal publications, and edited two international award-winning non-fiction works on environmental and energy law. He is now retired from the practice of law.
Joel lives in Harrisburg, Pa. with his wife, Gail.