Scholar in Your Residence
Fall 2021 Series
SPONSORED BY Congregation Agudat Achim’s Adult Education Committee and by the Sadie Schneider Rosh Hodesh Learning Group
Eden, Pharaoh’s Plagues, and Manna
taught by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Thursday 11 November 2021 @ 7:30p following Maariv @ 7:15p
Rabbi Arthur Ocean Waskow founded (1983) and directs The Shalom Center, a prophetic voice in the Jewish, multireligious, and American worlds for eco/ social justice, peace, and healing of our wounded Earth. His 28 books include The Limits of Defense, From Race Riot to Sit-in, The Freedom Seder, Seasons of our Joy, and Dancing in God’s Earthquake: The Coming Transformation of Religion. He has been arrested 28 times in protests against many forms of injustice and oppression.
This session will be the first in a series of three programs with Rabbi Waskow this year.
Save the dates for Part II: Shmita: The Sabbatical Year, Then and Now (13 Jan) and Part III: YHWH: Breath or Lord? — Hierarchic or Ecological Understandings of the World? (24 Mar).
Rabbi Waskow’s new book Dancing in God’s Earthquake: The Coming Transformation of Religion will be the underpinning of this series, and is being offered for sale at the CAA office at the reduced rate of $18. Please buy a copy and read the book in preparation for the sessions.