Unless otherwise noted, all services are in-person, with livestream available.
Masks are required for all indoor in-person services. We hope you will join us.
Note that due to Covid restrictions, there will not be babysitting provided by the synagogue for our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Junior Congregation and Tot Services are (as of the first week of August) still being planned. More information will be released later this month.
Saturday 28 August: Leil Selichot
Havdalah (in person, no livestream) 9:00p
Learning Program (in person, Zoom option available) 9:15p
Selichot/Penitential Service (in person, livestream) 10:30p
Sunday 29 August – Wednesday 15 September
Selichot/Penitential Service begins 15 minutes before Shacharit on weekdays